RESOLUTION OF THE JUDGES AND PROSECUTORS OF ROMANIA IN SUPPORT OF THEIR POLISH COUNTERPARTS We, the undersigned Romanian judges and prosecutors, as well as representatives of the professional associations of Romanian judges and prosecutors signatories of this manifesto, physically present, or at least inspirit, at the protests that took place earlier today, 10 January 2020, outside courthouses across Romania, hereby wish to express our unconditional support of our fellow judges and prosecutors of Poland in their eforts to protect the independence of the Polish Judiciary. Polish judges, like Romanian judges, are European judges which means that the fight of our …
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Open Letter of Romanian Magistrates for Sustaining the Independence of the Judiciary
More than a thousand romanian magistrates have signed an open letter for sustaining the independence of the judiciary. OverOpen Letter of Romanian Magistrates for Sustaining the Independence of the Judiciary We, the undersigned, judges and prosecutors, In view of the latest public debates, that seriously undermine the independence of the judiciary and the progress of the Romanian State within the European Union, we hereby convey the following message: An independent and effective judiciary represents the foundation of any rule-of-law state. The independence of the judiciary has two components, namely the institutional component (which does not include solely judges, but also …
Citește mai multPovestea contrafacerii unei investigații jurnalistice de către SkyNews spusă de DIICOT (Rom/Eng)
DIICOT România i-a pus sub acuzare pe cei doi așa-ziși vânzători de arme și pe așa-zisul intermediar care apar într-o investigație a postului de televiziune SkyNews cu privire la traficul de arme. Jurnaliștii au filmat cum cumpărau arme într-o pădure din Mureș. Aceștia urmează să fie audiați prin comisio rogatorie. Materialele SkyNews le puteți citi și vedea aici și aici. Comunicatul DIICOT: La data de 11.08.2016 procurorii DIICOT-Structura Centrală au dispus punerea în mişcare a acţiunii penale şi reţinerea pentru o perioadă de 24 de ore a inculpaţilor SZANTO AURELIAN-MIHAI, PÁNTICS ATTILA-CSABA şi PANTICS LEVENTE pentru săvârşirea infracţiunilor de constituire …
Citește mai multAll The President’s Men. Corruption in Cluj County. GRAPHIC SCHEME presents you for the first time a graphic scheme with all the connections of County Council president Horea Uioreanu, arising out of the corruption investigation from DNA. Who, how and what was paid, wanted or had to pay contributions. Electronic records of money held by Razvan Pop (pictured), former Chief of cabinet of the arrested President of the Cluj County Council,Horia Uioreanu, the statement of the same Pop witness and the DNA intercepts revealed the connections that Uioreanu had between businessmen and politicians.Of these, two businessmen,Ioan Bene and Vasile Pogacean, are prevetive arrested and put on trial, the Director of …
Citește mai multSam clings to Romania by all means. He was tried in the Court of Appeal Cluj
The “Romanian Sam”, the american that loves our country, who has written books about Romania, challenged at the Appeal Court Cluj the decision of deporting, but without success. Samuel Reames was deported under escort by the romanian authorities. He was sitting illegally in our country for 6 and a half years. Samuel Edward Reames, 41 years old, known as “The Romanian Sam”, was taken under escort to the border with Hungary. Representatives of the Immigration Office say that the Romanian Sam had no residence papers in our country because his residence permit had expired years ago. “Since his last entry …
The streets of Cluj-Napoca will be cleaned and cleared of snow by a group of companies belonging to a german businessman, old friend with PDL deputy Cezar Preda. Otherwise, it was for many years chief over the group of companies, and even recently said that he remained their leader. Preda’s wife is from 2007 the general manager of a company in the group, and until recently the administrator of two companies of the RER (eco-Recovery and recycling) from Galati and Tulcea was the godson of Preda, Ion Dumitru, who later became PDL advisor in Galati County. The Mayor still PDL-ist …
Citește mai multASSOCIATION of MILLIONS: HORIA CIORCILA (Astral founder) with RCS & RDS
What ten years ago seemed to be unthinkable now occurred: Horia Ciorcilã, the millionaire founder of the Astral cable, sold at UPC, was associated in a firm with the rival former cable market RCS & RDS of Zoltan Teszari. CA president of Tansilvania Bank, Horia Ciorcilã, has been associated in September 2013 with RCS&RDS and with the businessman Gheorghe Adrian Tomsa in the West Network Invest SA company based in Cluj-Napoca. The association was sealed in the Official Gazette of January 14, 2014. Most of capital has Ciorcilã with 45%, followed by Tomsa with 30% and the RCS & RDS …
Citește mai multWhat business have at sight Paszkany and his father. Association MAP shows you with what business remained in Cluj the businessman Arpad Paszkany after he announced sales of the CFR club and televisions LIVE-LOOK. Over the last years Paszkany and his father took place on offshore companies shareholding companies they run. Recently, senior Paszkany became officially Electrosigma master. We present you an exclusive map of connections between companies in which are involved the two Paszkany and, more recently, Anamaria Feher, the young girlfriend of the former boss of the CFR. Lately, they have focused more on computer market but the links go to the show-biz to Catalin Maruta and two …
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