Resolution of the judges and prosecutors of Romania in support of their polish counterparts


We, the undersigned Romanian judges and prosecutors, as well as representatives of the professional associations of Romanian judges and prosecutors signatories of this manifesto, physically present, or at least inspirit, at the protests that took place earlier today, 10 January 2020, outside courthouses across Romania, hereby wish to express our unconditional support of our fellow judges and prosecutors of Poland in their eforts to protect the independence of the Polish Judiciary.

Polish judges, like Romanian judges, are European judges which means that the fight of our Polish counterparts for the independence ofthe judiciary is our fight as well. This is the reason why we join the judges, prosecutors, and other jurists in their Silent March of Robes in Warsaw on 11 January 2020 and we mandate our colleagues in the Superior Council of Magistracy who will be present tomorrow in Warsaw to represent us in this endeavor and convey our message.

Judges are guardians of all rights and freedoms of every individual. In order for a judge to be able to fulfill this noble mission, (s)he must be independent. The judge’s independence is a core value of the rule of law, provided for in Article 19(1) of the Treaty on the European Union. Its establishment aims to benefit private citizens and it is an imperious necessity that the legislative and executive powers observe it accordingly.These powers must refrain from the adoption of any measures that may undermine the independence of the judiciary and thus turn it into a mere annex of the Executive. Any attempt to transgress the independence of the judiciary of any EU Member State is a most powerful blow to the ruleof law and the European cohesion. Where there is no independent judiciary, there is no democracy.

For all the reasons above, the support of every judge and prosecutor, of every jurist, of every European citizen is of utmost importance. This support is proof that we care about the future of the European Union, as well as our own future.

All for an independent judiciary, an independent judiciary for all!

Romanian/ Polish versions



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