Patru studenți de la Facultatea de Drept UBB Cluj au format singura echipă din România care a ajuns în faza finală a European Human Rights Moot Court Competition ce a avut loc la Consiliul Europei din Strasbourg în perioda 12-16 februarie. Din păcate, echipa din Cluj nu a mai repetat performanța de anul trecut, dar merită felicitați oricum pentru că au ajuns acolo. Călin Rus, unul dintre cei patru studenți, semnează relatarea de mai jos: «Echipa participantă este formată din Cristian Botu, Dorin Giurgi, Cristian Ioan și Călin Rus. Coach-ul echipei a fost dra doctorand Cristina Tomuleț, căreia dorim să-i mulțumim pentru tot …
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Sam clings to Romania by all means. He was tried in the Court of Appeal Cluj
The “Romanian Sam”, the american that loves our country, who has written books about Romania, challenged at the Appeal Court Cluj the decision of deporting, but without success. Samuel Reames was deported under escort by the romanian authorities. He was sitting illegally in our country for 6 and a half years. Samuel Edward Reames, 41 years old, known as “The Romanian Sam”, was taken under escort to the border with Hungary. Representatives of the Immigration Office say that the Romanian Sam had no residence papers in our country because his residence permit had expired years ago. “Since his last entry …
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