MS. ÎCCJ urged the preventive arrest of lawmaker Adrian Gurzău

Lustration has submitted to the High Court of Cassation and justice proposal of preventive arrest of Deputy City A. Gurzău.

"Taking forward the results of a vote by the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies, on 4 October 2016, the application submitted by D.N. (request for enforceability of detention and pre-trial detention), prosecutors in the framework of the national Anticorruption Directorate-Department to combat corruption have forwarded to the High Court of Cassation and justice proposal of preventive arrest of the accused Gurzău, currently a Deputy in the Parliament of Romania , for the offence of trafficking in influence.

The defendant was Gurzău A. brought to its attention, quality and procedural objections in accordance with the provisions of art. 309. the code of criminal procedure ", it shows in the DNA.

Details about the event HERE



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